A face of a lady carved out of trees and leaves

Earth consciousness – Not just a lip service

Earth consciousness is about living in harmony with the planet, making choices that nurture and protect its natural balance.

“When the last tree is cut down, the last fish eaten and the last stream poisoned, you will realise that you cannot eat money”.

This timeless quote by Alanis Obomsawin – an Abenaki native Indian from North America – describes the general direction in which we, as global citizens, are moving.

The young students and professionals are evidently inspired by Alanis’ words. But perhaps not enough – the inspiration is often not backed by meaningful action.

The older generation, while not indifferent to the destruction of environment on a global scale, is a jaded lot. They see it as a lost cause. ‘There is no planet B’, ‘environment is getting polluted’, ‘earth is being destroyed’ are mere placards for them, just a media-frenzy lip service. “Everything is about oiling the wheels of economy through consumerism” one would often hear them complain about.

So then, is humanity really waiting for Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos to first search and then transport it to another habitable planet? Unrealistic, no?

Earth is real. Earth is now. Us, the young and old, can make a meaningful difference. Now. By taking responsibility.

Let’s start with our home, our backyard, our street and our city. We can start with us.

What do we do with the old cell phone when its rendered useless? How do we dispose the depleted batteries – used for remote controls, wall clocks, etc.? Or the plastic items – be it wrappers, milk bags, toys, diapers, etc? Do we buy new books or opt for in-good-condition used ones?

Irresponsible consumption and disposition are the leading causes of landfills, trash in the oceans, ever-increasing sourcing and extraction of virgin materials. We know consequences of this savagery. What can be done about it?

A lot is being said and written about it, once more will not harm. Recycle, reuse and reduce.

There are many waste management companies in almost every major city, to come and pick up the recyclable items. Just do a quick Google Search for Trash To Cash. Paper, plastic, metals, wood – almost everything can be recycled.

We could encourage reuse of paper and wood items. Donate old books, or buy the used ones that are in mint condition. Get hold of a crafty wood-work artist to refurbish old wooden furniture. And if new ones have to be bought, dispose the older furniture responsibly.

By such simple and effortless acts, one person can save about 17-20 fully grown trees from felling!

Then there’s carpooling. Responsible use of electrical appliances. Responsible tourism.

If you are living or studying in the U.S., Europe, Australia, etc., government could give you ‘points’ for your efforts in adopting to these measures. Some State Governments in India are also following suit.

If you are living or studying in the U.S., Europe, Australia, etc., government could give you ‘points’ for your efforts in adopting to these measures. Some State Governments in India are also following suit.

It’s not about just saving trees or reducing use of plastic or some random acts.

Our actions have a direct relationship and consequences with and upon the planet. Once we understand the real essence of this fact, taking selfies in the dark during Earth Hour would be ever more satisfying.

Otherwise, it’s the same old hypocrisy we conveniently blame others for indulging in.

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